The Pannell Family

Accomplishing the Great Commission in Ethiopia through Church Planting and Theological Education.

The Pannell Family

Hello from Josh, Sabrina, Lily, and August Pannell.

After spending over a decade preparing to move to the mission field, we were sent out by Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in January, 2021. Laboring alongside Michael and Kanean Granger, we’ve seen Trinity Fellowship planted, and the Trinity Fellowship Pastors College established.

It has been an amazing experience so far, and we are so grateful to be here! We are excited to see what God will do in and through Trinity Fellowship in the coming years.

Our Mission

Ethiopia is a country with a rich history and a bright future. It is also a country with a great need for the gospel. That’s why we’ve moved to Addis Ababa, working to accomplish the Great Commission in Ethiopia through church planting and theological education.

Church planting is a vital for effective evangelism and discipleship. It is the primary means Christ has given us to reach people who have not yet heard the gospel. By planting churches in Ethiopia, we can reach more people with the gospel and help them grow in their relationship with Christ.

Theological education is also an important element of The Great Commission. By training Ethiopian pastors, we can equip them to effectively evangelize and disciple their people. This will help to ensure that the gospel continues to spread in Ethiopia for generations to come.

Thank you for your support of efforts to accomplish the Great Commission in Ethiopia. Together, we can make a difference for eternity.