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Trusting the Lord; Doing Good

Just wanted to give you a quick update on our family’s progress towards moving to Ethiopia. We’ve received questions about how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our timeline and fundraising. While the virus has made our timeline less certain, we are still making practical steps towards Ethiopia every day. We’re praying that the Lord would still allow us to go to Ethiopia this summer. In the midst of uncertainty, we’re “trusting in the Lord and doing good” (Psalm 37:3), knowing that he will clear the path for us to go in his timing.

What does that look like? Here’s a little peek into our lives right now.

We're continuing to fundraise over video calls.

We're learning more about the culture and the language.

We've packed two years worth of clothes for Lily.

Lily is learning about Ethiopian culture in school and has applied for her first passport.

Thank You!

Thank you for partnering with us as we seek to fulfill The Great Commission in Ethiopia. Your prayers and financial support are the means the Lord is using to bring the gospel around the world. We don’t take that lightly, and we commit to working hard to be worthy of your investment in the gospel.

Let's Stay In Touch.

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